Think תא PODCAST
Seeing Jesus through a Jewish Lens
A podcast that will energize your faith as you get grounded in Scripture and learn through the eyes of the Jewish Messiah, Jesus – Yeshua HaMashiach. Hosted by Rabbi Jeff Grillo of the Rock of Israel Congregation in Hickory, North Carolina.
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Happy Listeners

Sharing Biblical Truths Together
I’m so excited to walk as Messiah walked with you! Get ready for your eyes to be opened to the roots of Scripture through a first century lens.
Podcast Production
We strive to make your listening experience as enjoyable as possible, using high-quality audio & visual equipment. We thank Amy Cardy of Amy Cardy Voices for voicing our open and close. The music was composed, arranged, and performed by Rabbi Jeff Grillo in his home studio.
Guest Booking
We regularly schedule guest speakers to discuss the Biblical topics that many others fear to tread. Reach out to Rabbi Jeff to be considered for a future episode by filling out a contact form.
Audience Engagement
We welcome our listeners to visit our Facebook page and engage in further discussion of each episode.
Investigating Biblical Insights Together
Each week you’re invited to join Rabbi Jeff as he takes you on a journey deep into the scriptures. Drawing from 13 years as a Messianic Rabbi and a lifetime of learning, he will interpret scripture by using scripture in the context of first-century, 2nd Temple Judaism. You will find that many of the things that you have taken by faith your whole life will suddenly come alive and make perfect sense for the first time.
Trailer Teaser
Why Did Jesus Heal the Blind Man Using Mud?
A Closer Look at Psalm 22
Why Are Dates So Important in the Bible?
Give Back
Your Giving Matters!
Love our show?? Help us reach a broad audience with our podcast as a Kingdom Builder by giving to The Rock of Israel Congregation (ROIC), our 501c3 nonprofit organization, which not only supports this podcast ministry, but also several other local, national, and International programs reaching vulnerable Jewish & non-Jewish populations- girls’ orphanage in Jerusalem, widows, Unborn, homeless, food pantry, and the North Carolina Boy’s Academy for troubled teens and more!
Our Upcoming Shows

Premiere Episode - Why Did Jesus Use Mud to Heal

Psalm 22

Why Are Dates So Important in the Bible?

Tikkun Olam (Repairing the World)

Putting Fences Around the Commandments

The Unutterable Name

The Scariest Verse for Christians
Podcast Library
Dive Into The Library of Engaging Old & New Testament Insights
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Our Talented Team

Rabbi Jeff Grillo
Podcast Host

Joshua Grillo
Assistant Producer

Mrs. G
Web Developer

Amy Cardy
Voiceover Artist / Actress for Hire Click Here
Listener Testimonials
Jeff has a way of putting the soundbites of Scripture together to exemplify the amazing work of the Messiah Jesus.

Louis Gagne Jr, RN-MSN
Elder – The Rock of Israel Congregation
Rabbi Jeff Grillo has been a source of Biblical truth in an age where many just want to have their ears tickled. Rabbi Jeff’s sermons and teachings have helped me to see that some doctrinal teachings that I was taught early in my life were not correct. Because as the Word of G-d says, we are grafted into Israel. It is to our benefit to learn to read the Bible with a Jewish perspective. My spiritual eyes continue to be opened as the Holy Spirit reveals what the Father desires me to know. Through Rabbi Jeff’s example, I am learning the importance of sharing the Good News with others with accuracy, always pointing back to the source of truth, G-d. I encourage everyone who wants to dig deeper into the Word, to listen.

Sara Bauza

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